Akeelah and The Bee

February 16, 2011

We have watched Akeelah and The Bee during the tutorial session. However, we could not finish watching it during the first session. So, we continued watching it on the next session.

1. In term of entertainment, I think this movie has quite a number of funny scenes. The scene that I remember the most is when Akeelah's friend( I could not remember his name) did some tricks in order to make sure Akeelah qualified for the next round. He asked many times for the description from the judge for the word that he was asked to spell. At last, his effort was worth it because Akeelah's mother allowed her to continue participating the competition. This movie is also suitable for entertainment as it conveys a light message to the audiences.

2. As a TESL student, I think this movie gives some ways in improving the English mastery among our Malaysian students. We have to bear in mind that English is not a favourite subject to almost all the students. They easily give up if they are assigned to do some tasks. So, as a future teacher, I think that a teacher should be creative to attract students' attention in learning the language.

3. While watching the movie, I remembered the fisrt time I participated the Spelling Bee competition when I was in primary school. My teacher encouraged me to take part in the competition actually. Just like Akeelah, I refused at first but then she talked to me for not to worry. I was inspired by her and that made me took the challenge. Even though I did not win in the competition, she did not blame me. I was so thankful to have her as my teacher.

4.As we can see in the movie that Akeelah tapped her hand when she spells something, I assume that Behaviourist theory is applied here. The person who come out with this theory is B.F Skinner. Akeelah also acted like she was jumping on the rope when she could not remember a word during one of the competitions. Because Akeelah was acting, thinking and feeling at the same time, those lead to the operant condition.


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